3 Traits of a Good Tutor!

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Inge Sri Rosadi

People always focus on the importance of learning, but the need for forwarding that knowledge is always understated. Still, there are many people who choose this as a profession. If you are deciding to become a tutor, there is a lot of responsibility that is coming your way. You will have to understand that you are shaping someone’s brain through the knowledge you are giving them. These are a few traits of every good tutor.

Inge Sri Rosadi

Build Confidence in his Pupil:

Any tutor has the ability to make a student believe in what he says. There are a lot of people who feel under-confident and question themselves a lot. While you are teaching someone, understand your importance in their life. You now have an inherent responsibility to fulfill them with confidence. You are supposed to help them with building trust in their own skills. This is what a good teacher is supposed to do, make his pupil more confident and better people. Confidence can pave the way for unmatched opportunities in the future.

Help in improving skills:

Teaching a subject is one thing but making someone polish their skills is totally different. It is an understandable thin that you cannot use what you study if you do not have certain skills. Let us say that you are studying literature, you will have knowledge and understanding but you need some skills as well. If you are not good at writing or speaking, your knowledge will lose its exact value. This is the job of a tutor to make sure that his students have the necessary skill set to support them in a relevant career. If someone is struggling with these skills, a tutor has the responsibility to help them as well.

Always encourage progress:

Some teachers think that they have to make a student realize how he lacks something in order to make him learn it. But this is the worst possible approach to follow in the field of teaching. You have to make sure that you encourage your students in a positive way. Make them understand their potential and push them to get what they deserve. A teacher can make a person’s life completely if he is supportive and encouraging.

About the Author

Inge Rosadi

Inge Rosadi is a business oriented lady with love of doing marketing. She has been doing different jobs including working at medical devices company.

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