How Can Teachers Help Students With Writing Anxiety?

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Inge Sri Rosadi

Writing anxiety is a genuine issue faced by several students and only teachers can help them in dealing with such issues. Following the opinion of leading experts, students show an unwillingness to a great extent when they are asked to make a selection from their language skills. The role of teachers in helping the children know their shortcomings is very crucial. In addition to it, if they are writing a foreign language, the role of the teacher gets enhanced automatically.

Inge Sri Rosadi

Let your students know their mistakes:

You will have to deal with manifold issues when it comes to interacting and discussing their flaws with the students. They are afraid to even consider it as their fault because they do not consider writing tasks an important thing. Even if they do, If we focus on their “to-do list”, writing activities are their last choice and they avoid writing anything unless they are compelled to do so. To deal with this situation, teachers will have to come up with a strategy to compel students to write and practice more.

An inclusive strategy for students:

The factors causing such behaviour must be identified so as to come up with a strategy to deal with them. It is important to pay attention to the issues faced by the students while writing and figure out solutions for those problems.

The basic reason behind this reluctance is the development of the sense of their restrictions when it comes to writing.

Not every student has this kind of writing ability when it comes to learning a foreign language. They become nervous and uneasy. If we focus on the definition of reluctant writers, they are the people who are slow readers, have problems with spellings and punctuation, and are inattentive. They don’t pay much attention to their work and the work carried out by them is usually untidy. They have several excuses to escape the situation like ‘I have missed my pen somewhere’ and they show reluctance while sharing their work in a group. As a matter of fact, teachers must pay extra attention to such students and include them in the learning procedures.

About the Author

Inge Rosadi

Inge Rosadi is a business oriented lady with love of doing marketing. She has been doing different jobs including working at medical devices company.

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